Saturday, September 30, 2006

The End of an Era
It's been over a month since any of us have blogged, and this has been mainly due to a fairly major upheaval in some of our lives - we have moved out of Betika Towers! The house had been our rehearsal space and recording studio for two and a half years, not to mention the place that Lexi, Chris and I called "home". It was the venue for many a crazy party (and a couple of micro-film festivals), and became a social and creative hub for us and our friends, and I'm really sad to be leaving. I'd have stayed there longer, had I had a say in the matter, but our landlord sold it out from under us, so we had no choice but to relocate - Chris is setting up home with Imogen in Boscombe's fair city, and Lexi and I have retreated into the woods for the winter, where I'm going to write the next album by twilight amidst the mossy trunks, before returning to the town in the spring. Where Betika will be based is unclear, but I'm sure something will turn up - there's a few rehearsal studios in the area, but I kind of fancy something with a bit more character, a church hall or a victorian school or something. Maybe a barn? Who knows.