Monday, January 15, 2007

Gary's Dream 2

"OK, I've had another strange musical dream, I'm getting worried now. This one was a gig in a small venue with a balcony. On stage were the Greynotes making a strange un-describable sound, followed by Swamp,whose performance consisted of them appearing individually one after the other singing and playing guitar. Meanwhile a few people led by Chris (Reed) were jumping from the balcony onto the floor and running back up the stairs to do it again. When I tried it I really hurt myself, and Chris showed me these nearly invisible elastic fibres they were attached to which explained why they didn't hurt themselves.Carolyn was wandering around the top section looking for a book amongst the bookshelves that were in the bar.Outside the venue I was attacked by a man with a golf club who was trying to steal some of the bricks from my dad's house, which was next-door to the venue."

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Gary's Dream
This arrived in my email yesterday;

"I had a very strange dream last night that Betika were playing at a festival which was in a huge arena. I was late for the gig, wandering around the site, which was like a supermarket, trying to find my gear. I was held up by a bloke who was looking for a strap for his bassoon.

For some reason I was playing bass on the first song, but when I looked at the set list I didn't recognise most of the songs. Some of the song names contained characters that are not of the English language. Chris taught me the first song as I arrived on stage and it consisted of me playing b-flat constantly while everyone sang 'chick....chick.....chick' like a chant.

There were tv cameras everywhere, and cables like trip wires all over the stage. I remembered I hadn't tuned the moog, and I was relieved to find it in tune when I started playing it.

Does this mean anything to anyone else?"

We start work on the new songs for '07 tonight. Lots of new idea, new instruments and people doing new things. Lots more singing.

Fans of David Bowie who have a copy of "Lodger" and access to software which can reverse audio might be interested to hear what happens when you listen to track 3 backwards...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Year News

Hello! And a slightly belated Happy New Year!
I've a couple of newsworthy things to report that are of a personal rather than a musical nature: firstly, Gary is due to become the first Betika parent - with a little help from his lovely wife Simone - when the fruit of their loins is brought into the world sometime around June; secondly, after some five years of sinful co-habitation, Lexi and I have decided that the time has come to tie the marital knot in an attempt to regain some respectability within our ultra-conservative peergroup. The big day isn't until the summer, but will hopefully involve small children dressed as vikings.

In Betika-the-band news, we're planning on keeping our collective heads down for a short while (until we've learnt some of the gothmetalgypsydiscojazzsludge I've been writing) before resuming our attempts to push ourselves and our record into as many strangers' faces as possible. Things aren't 100% confirmed yet, but we're hoping to be able to announce our first venture overseas shortly. I'll say no more in case I jinx it.
No gigs for a little while then, but I'll be taking the stage for the first time this Friday (5th Jan) with The Greynotes, who are essentially The SK5 with a different name and a few more instruments. About an acre of instruments, actually, as we found when we got together for a jam last night. As with The SK5, everything we do will be improvised, recorded, and if it's any good edited down into a record at some point. It may take a while before this happens as we still have several hours of SK5 material in various stages of completion to work our way through first. This flyer explains all of the many things that are happening as part of the gig of which we are a part. Our projected visuals will be made in real time by Nic Beard and Imogen of The Paper Cinema. If you're having trouble with the tiny text, click on the flyer and it should become larger.
Silver Apples are amazing! Thanks Rizlo!

Halflove on iTunes