Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Shrove Tuesday

Jenkins the Drums is under the doctor today, as they say across the Bristol Channel, and Lexi had homework to do and pancakes to make so we were only a foursome at rehearsal tonight. We've been playing the same basic set (with a few minor changes here and there) for almost a year now, so it's become a matter of some urgency that we get some new songs into our repertoire before we start going stale. To this end we learned a couple of new tunes tonight; "Love, Love, Love, let me not hunger" which Chris wrote about the trials of intercontinental love, and "Bob Hope", which is one of mine, based in part on a TV obituary of the titular comedian that I saw a couple of years ago (just after his death funnily enough). It's only our second or third song that's ever had a guitar solo, and it's an atonal bastard of one! The guitar break is taken from a tune that we started jamming along to the interference that comes from a mobile phone just before it rings, it's in a completely different key to the rest of the song but it fits in perfectly with the mood of the piece. You'll hopefully be able to hear what I mean if you see us in the near future.

My favourite things in the world today are pancakes and decaffeinated tea, which allow me to go to bed nicely full but not totally wired.
Lent begins tomorrow.

Carolyn and Lexi have started contributing to the Blog!
