Some photos of Chris, Carolyn and I (also The Kid and The Shed) doing some acoustic songs at Solid Air this Monday can be found here. They were taken by a chap called Paul Savine, who clearly has something of an eye for this kind of thing, and is a very nice fellow to boot. The gig was a bit of a strange one, we arrived to find that almost all of the acts had pulled out due to illness and various other reasons, and we had to extend the short set we'd rehearsed - beyond songs we knew, past songs we sort of knew and right the way into a song we haven't played in public ever before ("The Castle"). There were a few ad-hoc re-arrangements of some songs, including me and Chris taking turns attempting to play basslines of Chris' guitar on a couple of songs with mixed results, it was all very seat-of-the-pants, and not a little ropey in places, but very good fun at the same time.
More acoustic Betika this week at Le Bateau on Sunday, just me and Caz this time, but in the company of Indigo, Frankie, Farther and The Shed (again). See you there maybe?