Small measure of "Green" - a 30% syrupy liqueur that Gary got in Majorca last year that tastes aniseed-y and a bit menthol-y, a bit like Pernod but more like cough medicine. You might know what it's actually called - do let us know!
Ginger Beer
Hot Chilli Powder
PP3 9v Battery (IMPORTANT! THIS MUST BE FLAT!!! If you use a new one it may result in burns!)
1) Mix the Green and the Ginger Beer together in a small tumbler.
2) Dab a small amount of chilli powder on your tounge with a finger.
3) Take a sip from the glass. Swallow slowly.
4) Dab the terminals of the flat battery on your tongue.
Your mouth will now be full of sensations, and will probably be feeling all the emotions at once.
5) Repeat steps 2 onwards until glass is empty.
6) Repeat steps 1 onwards.
As with all of these recipies, Betikorp takes no responsibilty for whatever state you end up in if you choose to make use of the above information, and the subsequent mess you make of your life.
This drink is named in honour of Lawrence McGinty, the ITN Science Correspondent.