Sunday, July 09, 2006

Now we are eight

photo: Paul Savine

for the last eighteen months or so, Betika has consisted of these seven people (l-r: me, Lexi, Caz, Rich, Imogen, Martin, Chris). This is quite a large number of people to have in a band, but still it isn't enough to accurately recreate live the sound of the record we've just finished making, and so we're very happy that our long-term producer and even longer-term friend Gary has (re)joined us (after a spell of being our bass-player while Imogen was broken), playing extra guitar, synth, percussion and singing. He's been very much one of us for a long time, in a behind-the-scenes kind of way, now he has a namebadge and a uniform. Look, he's wearing them in the top photo, he's on the far right.